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for couples, individuals, and professionals
Some people find that after receiving education and support they are still in need of individual or couples intensive therapy. Cami offers in person therapy for Idaho residents. Click the button below for more information regarding Cami's availability and waitlist.
Cami offers live online courses/support groups as well as self-paced courses. These courses were created for individuals who want more in-depth, specific education. As well as other professionals looking to further their sexual health education to better serve their client's needs.
The podcast is a free resource for people who want more education and help to meet their sexual health goals. The podcast is available on all platforms. Cami provides medically accurate education and answers many of the most commonly asked questions people have about sex and relationships.
For couples and individuals- Cami offers specialized education that addresses some of the more difficult sexual topics. These paid courses come with a workbook and access to monthly live office hours where she answers your submitted questions.
For professionals- The goal of these courses is to increase the sexual competency of mental health professionals. Completion of this course awards participants with 8 continuing education units.
For couples and individuals- Some people need support in addition to in-depth education. That is why Cami offers live, online, education and support groups. These 6-8 week groups are small and supportive and provide personalized access to specialized help at a more affordable cost than therapy.
For professionals-The goal of these courses is to increase the sexual competency of mental health professionals. Completion of this course awards participants with 8 continuing education units.
Dr. Cami Hurst is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Certified Sex Therapist, and holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Sexology. She is determined to make it easier to talk about sexual difficulties. She is committed to making medically accurate and evidence-based treatments for sexual issues more accessible. Her comfortable personality weaves compassion, empathy, and humor into historically difficult conversations.
Cami operates from a place of compassionate curiosity. She will help you visualize and own what you want in life, explore blocks keeping you from attaining it, and walk with you toward realizing your personal power and internal authority.
Dr. Cami Hurst- PhD, LMFT, CST
775 S Rivershore Ln, Ste 220 Eagle, ID 83616
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